The VI International Week of Science, Technology and Innovation, is an event organized by Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Cúcuta and Ocaña, aimed at the academic - scientific community and the productive sectors of the region, whose purpose is the dissemination of the advances in research and extension of institutions of the National and International scope, through research groups and seedbeds, promoting the participation of the productive sectors in research, extension, technological development and innovation activities that strengthen the University - Company - State relationship and the exchange of experiences with researchers from the National and International level.
Aimed at active, registered and validated Research Seedbeds to the Research Vice-Rectories or Research Directorates of the participating institutions, may participate in the III Interinstitutional Conference of Research Seedbeds, part of the VI International Week of Science, Technology and Innovation in oral and poster modality, for which the research summary must be submitted.
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